“Then His disciples remembered that it was written, ‘Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up.’” – John 2:17 (NKJV)

Picture a powerful engine running at full throttle. The force and energy propelling the engine forward are immense, driving it to perform its function with unmatched intensity. This is akin to the zeal described in Scripture—a driving force that propels us toward God’s purposes with extraordinary commitment. Just as an engine’s power is crucial for its operation, God’s zeal fuels our actions and dedication, transforming our efforts into a force for His will.

The root of the word “zeal” literally means “hot enough to boil.” It represents fervour so strong, that it drives one to act with relentless commitment and enthusiasm, much like the relentless and visible energy of boiling water.

Our anchor Scripture explains the events that unfolded as the disciples watched Jesus chase away those doing business in the temple. As they watched Jesus act, they remembered what King David wrote, because Jesus’ zeal for the things of God was palpable (Psalms 69:9).

In salvation, we have been adopted by God and are now His children (John 1:12). Our Father is purpose-centred, and as His children, we must be consecrated to His plans and purposes. This means actively playing our part, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to see the fulfilment of God’s agendas.

As children of God, we are called to fulfill our roles with fervency. This fervency should be evident in how we carry out the assignments God has given us, as well as in our devotion and walk of love. Our commitment should be so apparent that others can clearly see whom we are dedicated to. Just as the disciples could recognize Jesus’ zeal for the Father’s business by observing His life, our passion for God should be equally noticeable to those around us. We ought to be consumed by God’s agenda. 

In John 4:34, Jesus compares His zeal to food, indicating that His primary focus was fulfilling God’s will. Just as a hungry person is singularly focused on satisfying their hunger, our attention should be intensely directed toward carrying out God’s will. For instance, God desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2: 3-4). Are you wholeheartedly focused on this mission?

Our deepest desire should be to be fully consumed by God’s zeal every moment of our day. We must continually remember that Jesus gave His life for us, and in response, we are called to live fully for Him (2 Corinthians 5:15). This means allowing His passion for His mission to ignite our own, shaping how we live and serve each day.

In conclusion, brethren, as you find joy in being a child of God, may you feel a stronger sense of belonging in His kingdom, and zealously serve the Lord!

Bible Reading Plan: Acts 22-23

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