“Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgement and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.” – Isaiah 9:7 NKJV

Have you ever had to hold on tightly to God’s word for something—a prophecy, a job, a miracle, or even passing an exam? How did that journey of faith unfold for you? In our anchor verse, we see Isaiah, in the Old Testament, boldly prophesying the coming of Jesus, even though he didn’t know when it would happen. Yet, he believed with certainty that the zeal of the Lord would bring it to pass.

Brethren, you may have received prophecies at the start of the year, but now, you are discouraged because none have come to pass. You might have prayed about your desires and now wonder if a testimony will follow. How deeply do you trust God to fulfil His will in your life? Do not be discouraged; remember, if there is a God to pray to, there is a God who answers. Stay fervent in prayer and diligent in studying His word as you wait on Him.

Isaiah was so convinced that God’s word would not return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). He believed God’s word and that settled it. What are you trusting God for in your life? Like Isaiah, can you trust God and boldly say that the zeal of the Lord will do it? You can demonstrate your trust in God by choosing daily to live unto Him in service of His will (Romans 12:1, 1 Corinthians 5:15). 

When God instructed Abraham to leave his homeland to a place He would show him, Abraham didn’t know where he was going. Yet, he trusted God and boldly followed His leading (Genesis 12:1). Similarly, while being about 100 years old when God promised him a son, Abraham believed in God and His perfect timing (Genesis 17:5-6). We demonstrate our trust in God when we follow His leading and firmly hold on to His word. 

As believers, seeing is not believing but believing is seeing. Abraham believed and trusted God’s word, even when he didn’t know what was next. Even when it seemed like he couldn’t have a child anymore, he believed in God’s ability and timing and God fulfilled all His promises.

Today, like Abraham, believe in God’s word and trust in His promises. Declare in that situation that every word of God’s promises will be fulfilled because the zeal of the Lord will perform it. If He did it before, He will do it again. Speak life to that situation, pray fervently from a place of trust and not fear, declare the word to those worries and see God fulfil His word. 

The zeal of the Lord can do all things, His word has never failed and won’t start now.


Bible Reading Plan: Acts 24-25

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