‘So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”’ Hebrews 13: 6 NIV

A young man, A, who worked closely with the toxic CEO of a top-tier tech company was poached by the richest man in the country, B, and asked to come along with the best staff from his present company. He wasted no time in convincing the staff to leave, going against his big bad boss, and risking being blacklisted. However, the company refused to let them off their contracts. With nothing but confidence in the words of the richest man, A told his superiors that he was acting on the orders of B, and they immediately let them go.

This story may be more relatable to us because it is set in times and conditions we are used to, but this was Moses’ story. He may not have been a tech bro but he had confidence. Let’s call it Godfidence – the God kind of confidence. It is confidence in God Almighty and His word.

Every day, we face challenges and go through situations that demand a reaction from us. The question however is, what is your reaction going to be? As believers, the answer to this question is Godfidence; and what better way to practice Godfidence than to tell your problems about God?

This is not a newly invented rule. It is a rule as old as time itself, and to gain Godfidence, we need to know who God truly is and what He is capable of. Our anchor scripture makes it very clear that God is far bigger than mere mortals, and because God is our helper, there is nothing to be afraid of (Hebrews 13: 6).

Two ways to improve your Godfidence are to surround yourself with believers and to meditate on the word of God.

Godfidence is not always automatic. It can be learnt and instilled in you. That is why surrounding yourself with Godfident people is one sure way to boost your Godfidence. King Hezekiah is a classic example of this. When the King of Assyria intended to wage a war against Judah, he gathered his people and told them that the arm of flesh will fail the Assyrians but Judah will not fail because God is with them. It is recorded that the people gained confidence in God because of what Hezekiah had said (2 Chronicles 32: 7-8).

The second way to gain Godfidence is to meditate on the word of God, as doing so will remind us of who God is and what He can do. Reading the scriptures and seeing what He has done in the past will instil Godfidence in us because if He has done it before, doing it again is a surety. Some scriptures to meditate upon include Psalms 20:7, Joshua 1:9, and Isaiah 41:10.

Are you faced with temptation? Pressed on every side? Looking at a mountain of debt? Battling a sickness that doesn’t seem to have a cure? The solution is Godfidence! Tell that problem about God today and watch it crumble to pieces.

Bible Reading Plan: John 13:12-17, Jude 1-7, Job 21:1-21, Daniel 7-8

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