“Test all things, hold fast what is good”

1 Thessalonians 5:21 NKJV

One common behaviour amongst children below 2 years is their inability to discern the right or wrong things to put in their mouths. More often than not, these kids need adult supervision for their own safety.

Similarly, discernment is needed for our daily lives and even much more in our Christian walk. In a modern world like ours with different means of communication and with information littered everywhere from different sources on the subject of our Faith, discerning which is right from wrong is a virtue that should be found in every believer.

Our anchor scripture exhorts us to “test all things”.  ‘Test’ here means to examine in order to prove whether they are good or bad, sound or defective. 2 Peter 2 sheds more light on the presence of destructive doctrines, false teachers and prophets in the body of Christ and how they operate so that we are not deceived.

The Bible is replete with instructions on how we can build discernment in the things of God. Ephesians 4:14 tells us that growing in the knowledge of God is our defense against wrong doctrines and false teachings of the faith. We can see an example with the Berean church, how they searched the scriptures daily to confirm the words of the Apostle Paul (Acts 17:11).

The focus of our faith is Jesus and this must shape the lens with which we view the teachings, prophecies and doctrines that we come across (1 Corinthians 12:3). As believers it is our duty to contend for the faith and uphold the standard. We must subject everything that crosses our path to the test of God’s Word.

It is important to know that error is not always readily apparent and often it takes adequate discernment in the word of God to see and turn away from them (1 Timothy 4:16). This is why we must give ourselves continually to the study of God’s word.

In our interaction with others, we will come across many different doctrines and practices. Individuals can become very confused and have many questions. What then do we do? We go back to the word of God where all answers lie and we judge these opinions by that standard.

It is also important that believers who are grounded in true faith always speak the truth of God’s word to all and sundry. It is in speaking up that we dispel the lies of the devil. In this way, we are preserving the standard of the word of God that has been passed on to us by the early Apostles (2 Timothy 2:2).

Dear believers, we may not be able to control all that we hear but we can definitely test them all, judging them by the standard of the scriptures and take heed to stay faithful to God’s word.

Bible Reading Plan: Luke 19

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