“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22 (NKJV)

The start of a new year is often filled with excitement, messages from loved ones, celebrations, and hope for fresh beginnings. In truth, a new calendar year doesn’t automatically make it a good year for everyone.

Our anchor text tells us that as long as the earth remains, day and night shall not cease, so what we call a ‘new year’ is just another day around the sun. There are misconceptions that a new year inherently brings new experiences, or that prophetic words at crossover services would cause a new year to be better. You must do something different to have a different experience.

Remember the law of motion? An object will remain in a state of rest or constant motion except when acted upon by an external force. If your life is going to change, something drastic and external has to happen to alter your behaviour. You must be determined to work towards a change. 

So how can you position yourself to make the most of the new year?

First, you must live every day purposefully. Be deliberate about aligning yourself with God’s calendar for your life. Make sure you play your part in advancing God’s kingdom and wax stronger in your devotion. You must also go into the new year, determined to obey the promptings of God.

Respond boldly to every vision that the Lord has put in your Spirit. This year will not be different from the last if you don’t take audacious steps. 

Another way to start the new year is to let go of past hurts. Holding on to hurt makes us stuck in the past and we are not sensitive enough to pick directions for the future. We are to forgive others just as God forgave us, moreso, unforgiveness can serve as an inroad for the devil’s schemes. (Ephesians 4:32, 2 Corinthians 2:11).

Finally, put those words of prophecy you have received concerning the new year in a place where you can see them constantly. Pray over them, speak them over yourself, and picture them in your spirit. 

Remember to practice conscious thanksgiving as you align yourself with God’s prophetic word for it to be a new year indeed. Cheers to the new year!

Bible Reading Plan: Genesis 15-17, Matthew 5:38-6:15

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