“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV)

Imagine carrying a heavy bag on a long journey. Now think about the relief you’d feel if someone offered to help carry it for you. Even more amazing is when that person effortlessly lifts the weight, making what was burdensome for you seem like nothing to them.

This is the picture that Apostle Peter paints in our anchor text. He instructs us to cast all our cares on God because He cares for us and He can carry our weights. 

We are instructed in scripture to let go of anxiety and to embrace the peace of God (Philippians 4:6-7). When we cast our cares on God, we declare to Him and the world that our confidence is not in ourselves. 

Surely, there is the human tendency to try to solve our problems by ourselves and to drown in worry when it seems like there is no solution in sight, but we must be reminded that worrying is futile and it is foolishness to try to carry your burdens when God is stretching His hand out to you, ever ready to lift your burdens and to give you peace (Matthew 11:28).

Jesus assures us that life would be filled with challenges (John 16:33) but how we respond to these challenges, is a reflection of the faith that we profess. Would you depend on God to comfort and deliver you when in trouble, or is your trust in men and material things?

We are instructed in James 5:13-14 to call upon God in every kind of situation, whether in suffering, joy or sickness. This should be our disposition towards life. 

A believer in Christ must know that absolute peace only comes from laying your worries at the feet of God and wholeheartedly depending on Him to have His way in your life. This is how battles are won, by standing from a place of rest and letting God fight for you. 

SAY THIS: My boast is in God and His power to save me, I put no confidence in the flesh. I recognise that my sufficiency is not of myself but my sufficiency is of God.

Bible Reading Plan: Exodus 7-8; Matthew 17:9-18:7

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