“Casting all your care upon him, for he cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7(NKJV).
Welcome to the fourth weekly devotional recap of the year. This week, we learnt to anchor ourselves in God and rest in His faithfulness.
We started the week on Monday with a reminder of the power of forgiveness. Forgiving people who hurt you may be one of the hardest things you would ever do, but it is also one of the most rewarding. Jesus taught us to forgive as a demonstration of God’s love and grace (Matthew 18:21-22, Ephesians 4:32). The longer you hold on to grudges, the heavier your heart becomes, but when you choose to forgive, you break free from the chains of bitterness and hatred that tie you down.
Tuesday’s article encouraged us not to give in to despair despite everyday life’s pressures. This isn’t possible by mere optimism but as a result of an unshakable hope rooted in God’s faithfulness (2 Corinthians 4:8). Hope is a powerful gift from God, and the enemy will try to steal it, but keep your hope alive by praying for strength and leaning on the promises of God. The weight of those doubts and fears isn’t yours to carry; cast them on the Lord and trust that He cares deeply for you.
On Wednesday, we continued our discourse on hope by learning to fight against hopelessness. What seems hopeless reflects our limited perception of what is possible (Numbers 13:33). The enemy tries to push us to despair by selling the lie that no one understands our struggles. Still, we have examples of countless believers who have faced similar battles and triumphed through God’s grace (Romans 15:4, Ecclesiastes 1:9). No matter how dire your circumstances may be, remember that it is your God who breathed life into dry bones, gave Abraham a son, and delivered David from Goliath; so you can put your hope in Him (Psalm 43:5).
Thursday’s devotional reminded us that because God is our Father, we can rest in His ability to provide what we need. He demonstrated His care first by dying for our sins, so you can be assured that He will freely give you all things (Romans 8:32). This should be your meditation at all times. Worrying cannot extend your life or make any situation better, but your Father knows all you need before you even ask (Matthew 6:31-32). Instead of worrying, let God’s goodness in the past give you confidence for the future.
We ended the week learning to let go of anxiety and embrace the peace that God offers (Philippians 4:6-7). When you cast your cares on God, you declare to Him and the world that your confidence is not in yourself. Trying to solve all your problems alone is foolish and futile, but you don’t have to because God is always ready to lift your burdens and give you peace in their place (Matthew 11:28, I Peter 5:7).
Dear believer, choose to walk in unwavering faith, surrendering your worries to the One who holds your future.
Bible Reading Plan: Exodus 9 – 12; Matthew 18:8 – 19:22