“Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well…”

– 1 Timothy 1:18 NIV

The beginning of a new year is often an exciting time when people seek to reset their lives, correct the mistakes of the past year, and seek to be a better version of themselves. There is something about a new year that gives the impression of a new beginning, a fresh page, a new start.

The end of last year was filled with many retreats and many of us had ample time to seek the face of God about the year and in doing so, received prophecies and words about the new year. The question is: What next? What do you do about the words you received for this year? Is the theme of the year given in your local assembly just going to be a chant, or is it going to make a difference in your life?

Timothy, like many of us, had received words of prophecy and Paul in our anchor scripture was admonishing him on how to utilize these prophecies. In today’s devotional, we’d be looking at what we need to do to make sure we see the words of God come to pass in our lives.

Firstly, remember. Paul asked Timothy to recall these prophecies, that in doing so he’d be able to fight well. The moment you wrote those words cannot be the last time you see them. God, in the Old Testament, admonished His people to place His commands on their foreheads (Deuteronomy 11:18-20) so it could continually be on their minds and to meditate on them (Joshua 1:8). You must recall those words, go back to them, meditate on them, speak them over yourself again and in doing so, you’d receive strength for the days ahead.

Secondly, pray with these words, war with them. Let those words of prophecy be your vocabulary in prayer. Pray in the spirit with them on your mind (2 Timothy 1:6). In doing this, those prophecies are expanded, and you receive instructions. In our anchor scripture, Paul was giving Timothy commands according to the words of prophecy. Prophecy comes with instructions, receive them in the place of prayer.

Finally, take action. As you receive instructions from the Spirit of God, obey. Don’t just hear them, take steps to obey (James 1:22-25). It’s only the doer of the word that sees the reward of obedience. It’s in the carrying out of instructions that prophecies are brought to manifestation.

2023, will be what you make of it. Let this year be all that God wants it to be in your life. Approve His will over your life. 


This year, prophecies are fulfilled in my life.

I put the words I have received in remembrance, 

I war with them in prayer, and I have the grace to obey

Bible Reading Plan:

Genesis 3-5

1 Comment
  1. This year, prophecies are fulfilled in my life.

    I put the words I have received in remembrance,

    I war with them in prayer, and I have the grace to obey


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