“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭150‬:‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

In our world, when someone extends a favour or gives something valuable, there is usually the likely disposition to appreciate such a gesture based on the value of what was given. The display of gratitude accorded a gift of pen will likely be smaller than the gift of a brand new car.

This is the normal human disposition when things are given to us or done for us. This sometimes reflects how we praise God. We tilt towards praising God based on how much He has blessed us or what He has given us. This should never be the determinant of our praise to God.

Our praise to God ought to come from a revelation of who He is; the fact that He is God. So when we praise God, we are acknowledging His greatness shown in the creation of the world and all that is in it. Look at mankind, God wonderfully moulded you. It should constantly stir up praises to Him. 

God is perfect in and of Himself. He does not exist for us, rather we exist for Him. The Bible aptly captures this in Revelations 4:11b thus:

“… for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created”

Our devotion to God should not only be a product of what He has done for us but also in the sovereignty of His being. In salvation, He did what only a God can do; His blood was efficacious for our sins. No human can do that. He is God over all things and worthy of all praise, honour, and glory simply because of who He is. 

It is also important to point out that being thankful to God and praising God are two different things. When you are thankful, you express your gratitude for what He has done. However, praising God is acknowledging Him for who He is despite the circumstance. There need not be an occasion for God to be praised, the fact that He is God is enough and will always be enough to fall into sincere worship and give Him the praise He alone deserves.

Therefore our disposition towards praising God should be deeper than thinking of the blessings we have received or the miracles we desire. 

As you go about your day, make a conscious effort to praise Him for who He is. He is worthy of your praise and more.

Bible Reading Plan: Psalms 121, 123-125

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