“Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11: 22-23 NKJV

As a student, there is usually a sense of relief and excitement when a lecturer releases (graciously or accidentally) areas of concentration (AOC). At such times, lazy students confine themselves to those areas, whereas the “efikos”, as they are called in Nigerian local parlance, simply pay more attention to the said areas. The reality is that if both groups of students pay attention to the AOC, they will most likely pass the exam because they have listened and worked hard.

In our anchor text, Jesus did something similar for believers. He has provided key points for moving mountains. So, what is a mountain? Could He be referring to Kilimanjaro or Everest? Clearly not.

A mountain can represent a variety of things. Because of its fixed nature, it can represent long-standing issues that refuse to leave the life of a believer. It could be challenges, afflictions, sickness or disease, financial difficulties, addictions, and so on, all of which form a stronghold in the lives of believers. (Mark 11:22-23)

You will tire of your negative experience and want to leave at some point. You will wish for the illness to leave you or a loved one, for your finances to improve, or for your addictions to disappear. The good news is that you can do something about it.

Listen, your knowledge of God’s word must count for something. You need to believe in its possibilities. It aids you in praying correctly and strategically. If you need faith for your health, why not read up on healing scriptures? It will increase your authority to speak and command sickness to leave. (Romans 10:17). Apply this to other aspects of your life.

Speak God’s word over any situation from now on, believe with all your heart that it will be done, and then wait for the results. God is waiting for you to make your move. If you move, He moves.

I am who the word says I am
I have what the word says I have
I can do what the word says I can do
I move mountains by the power of God inside of me

Bible Reading Plan: Job 12

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