“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” – Matthew 16:18 (NKJV)

One significant benefit of social media groups is the sense of community they foster. Members of a group, whether classmates, colleagues, or family, can connect and stay updated in various ways. While some argue that groups on platforms like WhatsApp can be intrusive, these groups often provide valuable information, meaningful connections, engaging conversations, and camaraderie, demonstrating that the inventors’ vision for these platforms has indeed been successful.

This is akin to a church. God’s plan for us is to belong to a church community where our spiritual growth is facilitated. He doesn’t desire that we live in isolation. Our anchor text shows how committed God is to building the church.

What benefits can we draw from God’s plan towards being planted in a church community?

God wants us to be planted and thrive in a local church where we are not just spectators but active participants in the church’s progress and advancement. Our love for God is evident in our attitude towards His church. We should be excited to be in church and fellowship with other believers. 

David states in Psalms 122:1-2, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go into the house of the LORD.’”

The Church is God’s Family. Whatever is done to the church of God is done to Him because He takes the church as His family. God doesn’t just recognise the church as a building but as a family unit that belongs to Him. In Matthew 12:48-50, Jesus Christ addressed His disciples as His family because they do the will of God. This shows that Jesus Christ views His family from a spiritual standpoint, not just a biological one.

Belonging to a church community ensures that there is support during vulnerable times. While it may be argued that believers have been hurt in the course of sharing their vulnerabilities, leading to isolation and reluctance to share, this is not the norm and is never God’s plan. 

God’s plan is for members to lift others in their most trying times (Galatians 6:2). God desires us to be a blessing to others in our church. Apostle Paul, in his letters, always addressed a church assembly, showing how important it is to belong to a church where we can identify with other believers. It is a spiritual ideology to identify with God’s people.

Dear believer, you either belong to an assembly or not. Not identifying with a church community will hinder your spiritual growth. 

You cannot do it alone or in isolation. It is essential to be in an assembly where you are known and rightly taught the word.

Bible Reading Plan: John 20

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