“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” – Hebrews 10:25 (NLT)

Traditional schooling and homeschooling are two distinct modes of education. While homeschooling focuses on training the child in a familiar and comfortable environment, traditional schooling educates the child outside the home in a public setting alongside other children. Although homeschooling has benefits, traditional schooling can give students an edge in becoming socially interactive, seeking understanding from peers, being accountable to others, and participating in extracurricular activities.

As we learned yesterday, the church is not just a building but a gathering of like-minded people. It is a family, a community of believers coming together for their edification and growth in faith, teaching and preaching the Gospel, and worshipping God.

You cannot do it alone. You cannot be homeschooled into becoming a well-rounded believer. You need various aspects of knowledge that can only be practicalised in a church gathering. This is why it is not enough to just attend a Bible-believing and teaching church; you must be committed and embrace the church community. The church was God’s orchestrated idea, and for the church to stand, we all have to serve in one way or another. Service in the church is our contribution to embracing the church and helping out. Are you in a service unit? Do you serve in a department in your church? How committed are you?

Oh, what an honour and privilege it is to serve in God’s house. Service is part of showing your understanding of the Word as taught and demonstrating that knowledge. Take steps to inquire and join a unit today. We are sons responsible for the kingdom; let’s join hands in reaching souls for Christ. If you are already in a unit, great! But how committed are you? How accountable are you? Accountability to the body of Christ spurs us to do right, act right, and encourage one another to righteousness (Proverbs 27:17).

Paul, in our anchor verse, admonishes us not to neglect the church community/gathering. He said this because believers at that time didn’t deem it necessary. However, he urged us to encourage one another until the coming of Jesus. So, the church is not a short-term gathering; it’s a gathering that has come to stay for our spiritual growth and the propagation of the Gospel. Wouldn’t you want to be part of this community?

The church is a family to embrace (Acts 2:44-47). We are brothers and sisters in faith (1 Corinthians 12:27). With unity and strength, the gospel prevails. Alone, we can do little, but together, we can do much more for the Gospel.

Pray for your local church and help as much as you can in service and financially. Embrace the church community and serve.

Bible Reading Plan: John 21

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