“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.” –  Acts 2:42-47 (NIV)

Anyone who’s been in a study group knows there are always three types of people: the sharp and articulate leaders, the struggling students eager to learn, and those who fall somewhere in between. Yet, despite their starting point, the latter two can make remarkable progress if they actively participate and apply what they learn. In the same way, a struggling believer can reignite their devotional fervour by engaging with the fellowship and wisdom of other believers.

The early church typifies God’s plan of fellowship for the believers. After Jesus’ death, the believers gathered together to listen to the apostles’ teachings, break bread and pray. They grew in the faith and were strengthened to spread the Gospel. 

One of the reasons the Gospel grew rapidly in the early church was because the believers were dedicated to fellowshipping. They strengthened each other and were prepared to face the pressures of the world together.  They encouraged themselves and saw the power of God move mightily. They showed how a bond firmly knitted in Christ, is a stronger opposition for the devil.  

We must not neglect the fellowship of the saints because it is God’s idea for us. (Hebrews 10:25). Regular fellowship with one other keeps you strong in the faith. It is God’s plan that believers should sharpen each other, therefore, we were not designed to grow alone. Proverbs 27: 17 puts it perfectly:  “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” 

The enemy’s wiles and devices thrive in isolation. Being part of a community of believers is important for accountability and growth. As a believer, you must learn to be vulnerable and share your burdens with your brethren. Pray also for one another. (James 5:17). Community is very important for spiritual growth and fervour. It’s God’s structure for our growth.

Dear believer, God has created you to be in a community. He has put a structure in place to support you in your christian journey. You are part of Christ’s body; to function as a body, every joint must supply (Ephesians 4: 16). So, embrace the oneness in fellowship and be strengthened to do good works.

SAY THIS: I grow in spiritual fervour and wisdom. I am committed to the community of believers. I am sharpened by fellow believers and I contribute to the growth of the body of Christ. 

Bible Reading Plan: Philemon

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