“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”
Philippians 2:13 NLT
The reality of some believers is that they receive instruction for an assignment from God, get excited about it, and even take steps towards it but somehow tire along the way. Most times the reason for the weariness may be legitimate. It could be that the reality on the ground may not match the initial excitement; there could also be unprecedented opposition. These things are capable of slowing a believer down and if not handled, will derail such a believer.
However, God who assigns these tasks sees the end from the beginning. This means that right before He gave you the task, He had already determined how it would end. You were merely brought in as a human vessel for accomplishing God’s plan. This should encourage you to know that God found you worthy of an assignment.
Do you remember Abraham’s assignment to offer Isaac as a sacrifice in Genesis 22? Abraham obeyed and got to work. However, the only way to appreciate the conviction behind Abraham’s obedience is to consider the account in Hebrews 11:19 which states “Abraham reasoned that if Isaac died, God was able to bring him back to life again”. What a conviction!
The only capital Abraham had in this scenario was faith and conviction that God who sent him on the assignment was able to lead him through it. This is the same conviction that should guide you through every assignment from God. A conviction that you are a courier in the plan of God and by His zeal will it be performed.
Our anchor text helps you understand that the assignment from God is for your good. God is mindful of you. He will neither leave nor forsake you. He wants to see you grow and mature, measuring up to the complete standard of Christ. So when you are feeling overwhelmed, remember who is with you and who has called you to do the task. He will certainly empower you to complete it. (Phil 4:13)
Your response, therefore, will be that of total surrender to the will of God. By doing this, your faith is built up, your conviction is strengthened and execution becomes easier.
This surrender is activated from the place of prayer and taking action. It is through prayers that you align yourself with God’s will. You observe that your mind is renewed and your consciousness charged up. The possibilities and abilities that you generate through prayers propel you to take action. You must take steps because praying and not taking action will not bring results. Sometimes in taking steps, the answers begin to show up.
What assignments are you scared to begin or have abandoned? Go again because God who commissioned you is backing you up 100%. His grace is more than sufficient for you.
We have rounded off our Bible Reading Plan for the year. If you are yet to finish, take the rest of the year to catch up. We are cheering you on!