“We love, because He first loved us.”   1 John 4:19 AMP

A ripple effect is one of the most popular phenomena in physics. It is a situation in which one action leads to another action, which could lead to several other actions. A striking illustration is when you drop a  pebble into a body of water; the immediate impact occurs at the point of the drop, yet the resulting ripple extends far into the distance.

Yesterday, we delved into the depth of God’s love and all it encompasses. We explored how He initiated love for us, providing His Spirit to empower us to love as He does, as illustrated in our anchor verse. God started a ripple effect by loving us and giving us His son. Now, it’s up to us to respond to that drop of love by loving everyone we come in contact with the way God loves us. 

Here is how 1 John 4:7 puts it:  “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” 

Love is the fruit of our regenerated spirit as believers. If you are full of God’s spirit, you will be full of love, and it will show in how much you pray for people, help others, and care for fellow believers.  It would also show in how you talk to people and treat strangers. If God’s love dwells in your heart, you will love everyone. 

Another way to respond to God’s love is to obey His commandments. John 14:15 states, “If you love me, obey my commandments.” 

Dear believer, how obedient are you to God’s word? How much of His commandment do you keep? If God says to jump, would you ask how high or why?  The word of God is for our edification and growth; it is to guide us and not limit us. God’s word is replete with His commandments. Let’s aim to emulate Abraham, who faithfully obeyed God’s word. Constantly evaluate your obedience level to God because whether you believe it or not,  it reveals how much you love God. 

Sharing God’s word is another way to express your response to His love for you. Jesus specifically said that demonstrating love for Him involves teaching His word ( John 21:17b NIV). 

Do you proclaim God’s word? Is your desire to witness salvation in others? “In Christ” is not only a message to believe but also an example to follow. Jesus showed His love by preaching salvation to everyone He came across. At work, in school, and on social media, shout God’s love, scream His Gospel and tell the world of His mercy. 

It is not enough to receive God’s love; we ought to respond by loving others, obeying His commandments, and preaching His word. 

Go forth and show God’s love to your world every day.

Bible Reading Plan: John 5: 1-18

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