“For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”
Philippians 2:13 NKJV

Many people have stereotypical and spectacular expectations of how God should lead them. Because of this, they miss seemingly unassuming but supernatural ways by which God communicates with them.

In divine leading, the problem is not God’s willingness to lead because He is ever willing to. The problem is, most times, with our perception of His leadership.

Job rightly said that “For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it.” Job 33:14 NKJV

It is therefore important to pay attention to simple ways by which God leads us, one of which is through our desires. As a christian full of the Spirit, you can no longer ignore your godly desires. God has a track record of giving His children godly desires in line with His purpose for their lives.

He did it with Moses, who, before his encounter with God at the burning bush, killed an Egyptian soldier out of the sheer desire to not see his fellow Israelite suffer (Exodus 2:11-12).

We see the same with David. Prophet Samuel’s anointing on David fuelled a godly passion for his nation in him. It was such that he could not just sit back and watch when Goliath challenged Israel, like the other soldiers did (1 Samuel 17).

God did not exclusively tell David to face Goliath but David rose to the occasion, because of supernatural passion.

He also said in his psalm: “For zeal for your house has consumed me, and the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me.” Psalm 69:9 ESV

This same godly passion for God’s Temple in Jerusalem unsettled Nehemiah so much that the king of Persia such that the king could but observe it (Nehemiah 2:1-3).

Like Apostle Paul said, in our anchor scripture, God leads us by working His will for our lives in us. Many times, the leading of God is an inner provocation.

What are things that you naturally care about? What seems random to any other person but causes a stir in your heart? Pay attention to them because they just might be a pointer to God’s leading in your life.

A simple way to know if your passions are from God is when their burden increases on your heart as you pray about them. Supernatural passion can also be traced to a deep seated selflessness. It pushes you to seek to do the will of God for His glory alone and not yours.

Dear believer, do not ignore your desires. The day you got saved, your heart was changed and is now predisposed to desire the things of God. Focus on His leading today!

DO THIS: Today, make a commitment to pay attention to those godly passions and desires the Lord has birthed in you. In the place of prayer, stir up your consciousness of that nudge and ensure you begin to take steps to fulfil it.

Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 1:39-56, Ephesians 2:1-10, Psalms 119:17-24, I Kings 4-5

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