“Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness” Proverbs 8:18 KJV

Financial wisdom is a subject matter that many people do not take into consideration or make an effort to learn about managing money. They believe that all the knowledge they acquired about money growing up, whether right or wrong, is sufficient to help them build a successful financial life. Due to this lack of knowledge about finances, many people have been on an endless chase in search of financial freedom.

Our anchor scripture shows that God is fully involved in our finances. Finances seem like a secular aspect of our lives and so we often exclude God and His principles for finances. In today’s devotional, we will consider how to apply wise and Godly principles to our finances.

A timeless principle is hard work (Proverbs 22:29). Working hard can involve exploring multiple streams of income or acquiring high-income skills. Working hard also means increasing your value which leads to increase in income.   

Furthermore, you must have a budget and learn to stick with it. This should be regularly reviewed and appraised. Budgeting helps you allocate your income wisely and prioritize expenses. You should have a fair idea of your recurring expenses such as transport, food, utilities and budget towards them. Your budget should include funds set aside to aid the spread of the gospel. This cannot be emphasized enough. The gospel must prevail and to do so, it must be sponsored. 

In order to stick to your budget an important skill to imbibe is delayed gratification. Do not spend tomorrow’s money today because of immediate enjoyment. Resist the urge to buy things that are beyond your capacity. You can only afford them if your present value is significantly worth more than the cost.  

The Bible in Proverbs 21:20 says “There is desirable treasure, and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man squanders it”. This verse of the Bible points out an important principle for gaining financial freedom- saving. This skill is quite popular but a  lot of people still struggle with it. Saving is a discipline to learn as it will help you plan better and even get back on your feet when you encounter financial difficulties. 

Moreso, as a believer, you should have a culture of generosity. Have a plan for generosity and stick to this. Paul, recalling the words of  Jesus, said  it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). In your acts of generosity, ensure that you plan and give wisely. 

In conclusion, learn to build your finances on the principles of God’s word. Learn to trust God with your finances and pay attention to saving, budgeting and planning.

DO THIS: Plan your expenses on a daily, weekly and monthly basis

Bible Reading Plan: 2 Kings 1-4

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