“Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving”  – Colossians 4:2 (NKJV)

Some people have argued that food prepared with firewood tastes better than the fancifully prepared ones. To achieve such great taste, chefs usually assemble materials like wood, lighter and cast iron pots before proceeding to cook. However, unlike the more sophisticated cooking equipment like thermal or gas cookers, firewood cooking requires constant fanning to keep the flames up. The tasty outcome is determined by the level of fanning deployed. 

As a believer, maintaining spiritual fervour involves fanning the flame within us. This can be done in the place of prayer.

We learned yesterday how to always stay on fire. To stay on fire, you have to continue to ensure that all components are present. One such is a vibrant prayer life. The life of a believer is a life of prayer. We are not ignorant of the devices of the devil, so we should not be lackadaisical about our prayer life. We stay in prayer at all times, fanning the flames and being discerning (Matthew 26:41; Colossians 4:2). As you pray, your mind is alert, and your heart is open.

God is more willing to talk to us than we are to hear Him. He wants to have a relationship with you as His child. Don’t talk to God only on days when things are not rosy, but even when it is. The place of prayer is not just a place to make requests, it’s a place to commune with the Father. How often do you commune with God? How often do you stay in the place of prayer to just love on Him and thank Him? A man constantly connected to God is a man on fire.

Jesus prayed. This is an example to emulate. From His prayer, we see that He had a relationship with God. We could tell by how He called God ‘Father’ (Matthew 6:9-13). Prayer was His lifestyle. Jesus prayed fervently and taught others to do so.

Prayer stirs up faith in you. What are you trusting God for? Healing? Breakthrough? Faith spurs trust in God and His timing. We pray because we know our God will answer. What’s your faith level today? Have you lost faith in some aspect of your life? Pray! Pray when you are losing faith, pray when all hope is lost, and pray when your faith is built (Romans 12:12).

If there is a God to pray to, there’s a God to answer. Prayer guides and direct. In the place of prayer, God directs us through His word. Confusions are resolved and clarity is received. God is your Father. He wants the best for you and loves you. 

On days when you don’t know what to do; when your Spirit seems lukewarm, just pray! (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Bible Reading Plan: Acts 28

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