The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out. Every morning the priest is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offerings on it.”  – Leviticus 6:12 (NIV)

Bonfires are part of the remarkable activities of the Boy Scout meetings. You need fuel, air, and spark to start and keep the fire burning. Interestingly, if you remove one of these three things, the fire will quench. A typical fire can last for as long as 8 hours depending on the length and quality of the wood (fuel).

Imagine as a member of the Boy Scouts, it was your responsibility to start and watch the fire through the night to keep the group warm. You will deploy every tactic to accomplish that task including adding more fuel and air to the fire.

Our anchor text speaks about keeping the fire burning continuously non-stop. Although in the scenario above, the burning fire was only for a brief period, however in our christian walk, we are to keep the fire on our altar burning endlessly. 

We begin the week by exploring various ways a believer can maintain spiritual fervour. Today we will specifically consider how to stay on fire in our devotion. For a believer to stay on fire, there must be strategies or structures that ought to be applied to remain kindled.

One way to stoke your fire is by praying, praying is simply having a conversation with God, and the scripture emphasises doing it without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17). We are saved into a life of intimacy with God, and prayer is an effective way to build that intimacy. A life of prayer leads to consecration, and consecration is fuel for devotional fervour.

Studying the word of God is another way to keep your fire burning, the word of God can equip us for daily living (2 Timothy 3:16 -17). The scripture compares God’s word to fire (Jeremiah 23:29) and mentions that it is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). The word of God is so powerful that it can build and completely transform us. So, it is important to make a conscious effort to study the word of God daily.

Evangelism is also an effective way to stay on fire. Evangelism helps keep your faith alive. As you feed others spiritually, you are also nourished (Ephesians 4:16). Every believer has a role in building the body of Christ, especially by reconciling people to Him and discipling them. Engaging in this is a key way to stay vibrant in your devotion.

Lastly, having the right community of people around you will help to keep your fire burning bright. Fire is contagious, stay around people who are fervent in their walk with God. This will keep you on fire too.

Just as the bonfire is kept burning when carefully tended with the right fuel, air, and spark, your altar can equally be kept alive through the right structures that ensure continuity and consistency.

Bible Reading Plan: Acts 26-27

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