“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭11‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭NIV‬‬

In the Bible, there is a track record of God using ordinary men to accomplish extraordinary things. This was possible because they exercised their faith and always obeyed God’s instruction. We see this when God told Moses to drop his rod and pick it back up as a snake (Exodus 4:2-4). When Jesus was on earth, He called twelve men to Himself and trained them, they also exercised their faith by obeying Him at all times.

Now, we have the word of God and His Spirit that teaches and helps us to act in faith. Our anchor scripture paints a picture of what faith in God can achieve. God will always fulfil His promises. Hence, the onus is on us to put His word to work in our lives.

In this new year, you must always remember that we walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). While the natural man depends on his senses for everything, the believer does not. Faith is to the believer what the senses are to the natural man. Faith should impose over your natural senses.

In Matthew 13:58, we see that despite the great miracles Jesus did everywhere, He was limited by the unbelief of people in His hometown. This reveals that as powerful as God is you can limit His power in a place. If the word says you can do all things, then the only thing stopping you is doubt.

You can exercise your faith by taking the first step, just like Peter did (Matthew 14:29). When he began to doubt he started to sink because his faith dwindled. This means that faith sustains us to do all God would have us do.

Having faith is being anchored on God’s true promises. It is not trial and error but an assurance that God will do as He has said. The woman with the issue of blood was certain that she would be healed (Mark 5:28). This is the kind of faith that moves mountains.

Moreso, faith doesn’t stop at believing, let your actions and words go in the direction of your beliefs (James 1:22). Make bold statements of faith, and take the first step. Faith does not doubt, it insists and is certain. Exercising your faith does not ignore facts of reality. It is acknowledging what is but seeing beyond it to God’s abilities.

Finally, the power that makes all things possible is in you already (Ephesians 3:20). How mindblowing is that? The power at your disposal is the same power that raised Christ from the dead. Everything Jesus did, you can do too!  Learn to trust God and exercise your faith at all times as you go on in the new year.

Bible Reading Plan: Luke 1:40-80

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