Have you ever felt consumed by despair, like you are drowning in your thoughts and there is no escape? In those moments, our anchor scripture reminds us of God’s disposition to us. He is never far from you in times of sadness. He is closer to you when you feel overwhelmed.
Feelings of depression often sell a lie to us that we are alone and no one else can understand our pain. However, we have a High priest Who sympathizes with our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:15). You don’t have to mask your emotions from the One who heals the brokenhearted.
Throughout scripture, we see examples of faithful men who experienced extreme sorrow. In Psalm 6:6, David speaks of soaking his bed with tears due to grief, he poured out his heart before the Lord. You must realise that you are not alone in the struggle. Many of the heroes of faith had feelings of doubt, pain, and sadness yet came out victorious. Secondly, their disposition shows us how we ought to approach God in our darkest seasons.
You can be vulnerable before God, your emotions do not put Him off nor does He judge you for experiencing depression. Instead, the Bible reveals that He is the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3). In His presence, we can lay our hearts bare and seek His peace (Philippians 4:6-7).
In situations where feelings of depression overwhelm you, you can regulate your mood in the place of prayer. Prayer is the best antidepressant for every believer. Another strategy is to keep the word of God in your heart, you must meditate and confess the truth of God’s word. The lies of the devil are one of the many reasons people fall into depression, hence you must stand firmly on the foundation of God’s word.
Finally, healing is a journey, and you should not go through it alone. Speak to a trusted friend, seek wise counsel from your leaders, and even professional help if needed. Always treat yourself with compassion and patience. Remember that God sees you and is ready to help you heal.
Dear believer, when depression creeps in, remember that God remains your constant source of joy. Cast all your cares on Him and allow Him in.
Bible Reading Plan: Genesis 36-37, Matthew 12:1-21