“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? ” – Matthew 6:26 (NKJV)
Do you ever feel like January is the longest month of the year? Well, you are not alone! According to a report, the accumulation of holiday expenses, regular monthly bills, and additional expenses intensify the financial pressure in January. This often results in increased stress and a heightened sense of the month’s length, leading to feelings of discouragement.
Indeed, bills and financial obligations are unavoidable, however, the real issue lies in how you perceive them. Bills do not have the power to steal your joy— but your mindset does. We must tackle the root cause of this joy stealer, as financial commitments never cease. More often than not, it shows up right after you’ve been paid!
How does God expect us to handle situations like this? One powerful approach is to shift your focus from the problem to the Provider. Another name for the God that you serve is Jireh— the providential God. He anticipates our needs even before we ask. When next you receive that bill, thank Him in advance instead because He is able to supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19).
Peter began to sink when he shifted his focus from Jesus to the boisterous wind (Matthew 14:25-29). In the same way, we sink into worry when we fixate on our needs instead of the One who meets those needs. Cast your cares upon Him! If He has shown up for you in the past, He can do it again.
Our anchor text invites us to “look at the birds” They don’t hoard or worry—they rely entirely on God’s daily provision. How much more you? If He did not spare His Son, there is nothing too much for Him to provide for you (Romans 8:32).
When Jesus fed 5,000 people with just five loaves and two fish, He didn’t panic or fret over resources. Instead, He gave thanks (John 6:1-14). The fact that you have bills to pay means you have been blessed with things to pay for—a roof over your head, food on your table, and opportunities to support others. What if gratitude replaced worry?
The reality is bills are constant, but your response can change. Trusting God to supply your needs and replacing worry with thanksgiving are two powerful ways to overcome this burden (Philippians 4:6-7, 19). Apply these principles and you’ll find yourself more at peace and overflowing with joy.
SAY THIS: God is my provider and sustainer. I cast my cares upon Him. My needs are met. In all things, I am full of gratitude, and nothing will steal my joy!
Bible Reading Plan: Genesis 38-40, Matthew 12:22-42