“Know that the Lord, He is God;It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.”  Psalm 100:3 (NKJV)

The question of purpose is one of the most asked questions in the world today and in the bid to provide answers, different people have come up with a number of postulations on purpose. 

Some people believe that we determine purpose by ourselves. Those in this school of thought believe that we live for ourselves and thus can determine what we should do with our lives. The flaw with this mindset is that it puts our Creator out of the picture considering the fact that we are created beings (Genesis 1:26, Psalm 100:3). 

Every artist, content creator or writer has a purpose for the content they create, in the same way,  God has a purpose for creating each one of us. In the natural world, every invention is created to meet a certain need. The purpose of that invention (meeting that need) predates it. 

In the same vein, our purpose cannot be determined by us, because we did not create ourselves. Our purpose is beyond us, it is determined by our Creator. God speaking to Jeremiah says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV). Just like Jeremiah, God had a purpose for creating you. 

Yesterday, we looked at what purpose is and what it isn’t. We saw that purpose is living for the One who created and saved us, knowing Him and making Him known (2 Corinthians 5:15). Armed with this knowledge we must then diligently give ourselves to the word and prayer, as this is how we will have clarity of purpose and how God would have us fulfill it. This is seen in the book of Acts 13, when believers ministered to the Lord, and there was a clear instruction as to purpose and how it should be done. 

Are you at a crossroad, wondering what you were created for? Do you seem to be at an impasse not finding fulfilment from life? You must first realize that your purpose is in Christ, and that anything outside of what God has planned for you in Christ will not be fulfilling (Galatians 6:3, Philippians 1:21).  God wants you to walk in His plans and purpose more than you desire. He wants to lead you in your journey through life. 

SAY THIS: God’s purpose is my purpose. I am not living on my terms but by Him who created me. I live a purposeful life. 

Bible Reading Plan: Psalms 111-118


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