“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 NKJV

Intimacy is a close, familiar and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship with another person. In marriage, intimacy is achieved through deliberate effort to create lasting memorable experiences and strong connections with each other.

In our anchor scripture we see that God’s plan for marriage is the oneness of two different people from different backgrounds, experiences and most likely different temperaments. As beautiful as this is, the couple must exercise their will in response to this plan. One of the ways to do this is to  keep the marriage alive and thriving by building intimacy.

Intimacy between spouses can be built in many ways including emotionally, physically, spiritually and even intellectually. The vital thing is that there is an intentional drive to stay deeply connected. This also means that an intentional couple must acquaint themselves with practices and routines that will always bring them together and encourage communication, connection, vulnerability and safety. 

Couples must learn to do most things together. It helps foster the bond between them. Activities like watching movies or TV series together, board or card games, a visit to the spa or generally engaging in fun activities as a couple will help to maintain the connection. Go out of your way to create those magic moments.

Listening and paying attention to each other’s needs is essential to building intimacy. Get involved in your spouse’s goals, plans, desires, and aspirations. It’s a good idea to ask how you can help make things easier for them. Beyond asking, take the initiative to assist in either starting up or completing a task for them. Vulnerability and reassurance of safety are also crucial components of intimacy.

A rich family devotion also plays a significant role in building intimacy. As the saying goes, “Couples that pray together, stay together”. Beyond your personal devotional structure, create a fellowship structure with your spouse where you both study, discuss and pray. 

Building intimacy in marriage always leads to unity of purpose and vision of both parties. This unity is essential as the synergistic effect is outstanding (Deuteronomy 32:30, Ecclesiastes 4: 9,  Matthew 18:19). 

The goal of being joined as a couple is not just to get married but to become one. Take intentional steps to build and improve the intimacy in your marriage. 

DO THIS: Make a list of activities that you will do together as a couple, share it with your spouse and execute.

Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 5: 26- 48

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