“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace”. Ephesians 4:2-3 NLT

Have you ever witnessed a couple having loud arguments or aggressive fights? These scenarios often expose a lack of peace and harmony in their home, caused by a breakdown in communication and a lack of tolerance. As a witness to such scenes, it’s natural for you to pray to have a peaceful home.

Marriage is a beautiful institution that requires work to facilitate and maintain it. God’s desires for you to have a peaceful marriage (Isaiah 32:18). The challenge however is that as wonderful and important as peace is for a marriage, some couples struggle to achieve it. 

The fruits of the Spirit as explained by Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:22, are desirable factors that should be seen in your marriage to make it thrive. Peace is highlighted as one of the fruits of the Spirit. Today, we would be looking at some tips to build a peaceful marriage.

Firstly,  learn to communicate effectively. Practice listening to your spouse as much as you express yourself. Be even-tempered and learn how to navigate intense moments when tempers are flying. Choose a good time and prayerfully plan towards every important conversation. Also, forgive one another in advance. Adjust to the reality that your spouse isn’t perfect and could hurt you unintentionally. In some instances, overlook an offence (Prov 17:9). Nothing is worth sacrificing the peace of your home for. 

Another important tip is to validate one another and provide security for each other. Draw boundaries for all third parties and if they are crossed, address them politely and firmly. 

Also, pay compliments to your spouse often and offer your best support to their needs. Build your friendship, and enjoy hearty waves of laughter with wholesome conversations.  

Remember to pray together as often as possible. Let the atmosphere in the home be constantly saturated with godliness.

Creating a peaceful home is more important now than ever before, considering that the world we live in is filled with strife, unhappiness and fear. A peaceful marriage is desirable and achievable. Put in the work; forgive freely; communicate clearly; love dearly; validate unashamedly and most importantly, let the Lord lead you.

Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 5: 1-26

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