“You were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:20 NIV

A lot of believers live with the mentality that they have nothing to give God. We know that Christ paid a huge price for our salvation; we sing about how beautiful that sacrifice is and the assurance of salvation that we have as a result of it, but do we understand the responsibility that comes with this new life that we have in Christ?

Acknowledging and accepting that it was such a huge sacrifice for Jesus to leave His throne and dwell among men is very important. 

You have to understand that it must have taken an immense amount of humility to humble Himself to be born in a manger, be beaten and spat on, and be killed in the most excruciating way ever, and He did all of that so you and me and everyone who believes can have eternal life (Philippians 2:8). The salvation and eternal life that you now enjoy came at a price, and that price was the life of Jesus Christ.

Now that you have received this life, your life is no longer your own. Paul teaching the Corinthian church and by extension us about this says, 

“And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:15 (NIV)

This means that our lives do not belong to us any more; the life we live now is the life of God (Galatians 2:20). In view of this sacrifice that Jesus paid for you, the entirety of your life should be dedicated to the service of God. It means that while your dreams for your career and relationships are good and valid, your priority and chief purpose is Christ. 

This grace that we have received does not make us irresponsible; instead, it makes us offer our lives as a sacrifice and deaden all our previous selfish desires (Romans 12:1).

Dear believer, in Jesus we see not just a message to believe but an example to emulate. Jesus laid down His life so we can receive eternal life, and in response, we must be willing to do the same so others can receive this message (1 John 3:16). 

Your life does not belong to you. You were bought with a price. There is a reason you were saved, and you have something to give. Your devotion, time, and intelligence can be used for this same cause that Jesus died – for all to get saved and have eternal life. 

PRAYER: I decree that my life exhibits the character of one who Christ died for. I live as one who has been bought with the precious blood of Christ.

Bible Reading Plan: Jeremiah 38-40; Psalms 74, 79

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