“No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.” – Matthew 5:15 (NLT)

Has this ever happened to you, especially in school: The teacher asks a question you know the answer to, but you’re too shy or scared to speak up, even as other students struggle to respond? The silence lingers until the teacher, disappointed, gives the answer and possibly enforces some form of discipline on the entire class. What if you had spoken up and saved the day?

As we continue our series on the significance of light as it relates to a believer, we must understand that amongst other attributes of light, light cannot be hidden. This means that even in the darkest room, any shade of light will be enough to direct one’s movement. What it also means is that when people are in the dark, they will seek light to navigate. So, no matter how the light is covered up, people will find it because, by its nature, it cannot be hidden.

What does it say to us as believers? We have a rich harvest of souls in the dark that can only be rescued through our light. This is essentially the point in our anchor text which is the fact that as believers, you cannot hide your salvation and the fruits therein. It must be evident to all around you. 

Matthew 5:16 is your marching order, it says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” The testimony of your life will be that people who knew you before can see your progression and declare, unequivocally that “this one has been with the Lord”. Brethren, that is Light in its truest form. 

It is important to note that when we hide our light, we give room for darkness to dominate. Remember the student who refused to answer a teacher’s question even though he/she knew the answer but instead chose the bear the common consequences. A believer must be above board and able to stand even if they are the only one standing. We must not allow darkness and perversion to prevail in our spheres of influence. We must be bold and remain unhidden. 

We should be bold about our convictions and stand for them in whatever space we find ourselves. People around us should recognise that there is something different about us. We are not to align with the ways of this world (Romans 12:2). 

On our account, let souls be saved. We have been given the ministry of reconciliation ( 2 Corinthians 5: 19) and with that, we should go out into the world and preach the Gospel (Mark 16: 15-16). 

We should also put ourselves out there and use our giftings for the work of God. We are to contribute to the church assembly that we belong to. God desires us to be instrumental in the growth of the church. 

Beloved, your salvation and conviction are not for you alone. They are for you to share with the world. Your light is to be illuminated. Do not hide it.

Bible Reading Plan: Galatians 5-6

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