“As every man hath received the gift, even so, minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10 NKJV

A steward is someone who is entrusted with the responsibility to take care of something on behalf of another person. Steward is the Greek word, ‘oikonómos’ which is closely related in modern English to the word, “housekeeper or home manager.”

A home manager or steward has authority over the affairs of a household but works for and answers to the owner of the house. The role of a steward is ironic in the sense that a steward is both a ruler and a servant (Luke 12:42).  In other words, the steward is the chief servant. The hallmark of good stewardship is making sure that the master’s will is done. In Luke 12:42-44, Jesus admonishes us to be good and wise managers who are found doing what the Master instructed us to do at the time of His return. 

This begs the question, are you a good steward of God’s grace?

To answer the question, you must know what is expected of good stewards in God’s kingdom. Our anchor scripture in 1 Peter 4:10 clearly states what makes one a good steward. God has given us the gift of salvation and as managers of His household and good stewards of His grace, we ought to take the Gospel to the world, understanding that with salvation, comes the responsibility of ministry (2 Corinthians 5:18). We have been given the ministry of reconciliation. It is an instruction and it is non-negotiable for every believer. 

The parable of the talents explains God’s expectation of us. He wants us to make good use of the gifts that He has deposited in us (Matthew 25:14-30). One of these gifts is money. God is master over our finances, just as He is over every other aspect of our lives. 

In view of this, we must steward our finances wisely,  using it for the furtherance of the gospel and as an instrument to help others.  A good steward doesn’t hide the gifts. Instead, good stewards use their gifts to serve others and to bring glory to God (Matthew 5: 16). 

In addition to this responsibility, we have a duty as members of the body of Christ, to serve the body by actively contributing to the growth of our local assembly. We must employ an owner’s mentality in the church, as that is what a good steward does. Commit to partnering with God and your local assembly with your finances  to win and train more souls for Christ. 

Dear believer, you must keep striving to be  an effective steward of God’s grace. Remember that it is your duty as a good steward to do your master’s will. Use your money, and gifts, show love, and preach the Gospel. 

Bible Reading Plan: 2 Kings 5-8

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