“This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare”  – 1 Timothy 1:18 NKJV

God’s word is one of the many ways He assures His children. The Bible is full of verses that demonstrate that God sends His message to soothe and stir up trust in His children. He reveals His divine will to us through the Bible and prophecies. This, in turn, increases and enhances our faith in the supernatural. During this camp meeting season, it is vital to remember that God’s word will come to us in a variety of ways, including prophecies. 

Prophecy shows us possibilities in the spirit. The Bible says in Psalm 119: 89 “Forever, oh Lord thy word is settled in heaven” This tells us that God’s words are not a probability but a certainty. Therefore, it is of great necessity that we know how to effectively engage prophecies in our preparation for a meeting.

First, you must believe in them. Let it stir up faith in you. It is practically impossible to take action on something you do not believe wholeheartedly. Second, you must pray. We see the outcome of receiving a prophecy, just as it is described in our anchor scripture. It drives one to pray and fight the good fight. 

If you want to see the words spoken over you fulfilled, you must engage them in prayer. We also see in (Daniel 9:1-5) how Daniel, by knowledge of prophecy, was able to pray effectively for the children of Israel in Babylon. In the same vein, through prayers, we can enforce God’s will over our affairs.

Finally, prophecy should evoke rejoicing in you. The confidence and assurance of God’s word being fulfilled is something to rejoice over. In rejoicing, we express our faith in the words that have been spoken. The Bible (Joshua 21:45) assures us that not a word of any good thing that God speaks over his children will fall to the ground. Glory to God!

Bible Reading Plan: Ezekiel 46-48

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