“Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.” – Luke 10:19 (NLT)

Welcome to the 40th devotional recap of the year. This week, we learned how to fight to stand in the authority we have and that the devil is under our feet. We also learned that we are on the winning side. Let’s dive in.

We started this week by learning that we have authority. By our faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work, we have the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy (Mark 16:17-18, Romans 8:15). We must be conscious of this authority and exercise it always.

On Tuesday, we learned to stand in our authority. Just as a policeman has authority to represent the government of a nation, so does the believer in Christ Jesus have authority over the devil, representing God on earth. We have been adopted into sonship by the resurrection of Christ (Romans 8:15). God’s authority backs us, and we must stand firm.

Wednesday’s devotional taught us that the devil is under our feet because we have authority over the devil and his devices. The devil and his mechanisms don’t have a hold on us anymore. It is such a joy to know this. We can discern the devil’s tricks, expose them, and superimpose the will of God by continually giving ourselves to prayer, fellowship, and study of God’s word.

On Thursday, we learned how to fight. Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against ideologies, imaginations and strongholds that contradict the truth of God’s word. We win this fight by renewing our minds with God’s word (Romans 12:2) and knowing and exercising our authority over the devil in Jesus Christ (Luke 10:19).

We rounded up the week on Friday with a reminder that we are on the winning side. By our faith in Christ Jesus and His finished work, we partake in Jesus’ overwhelming victory over the devil (Colossians 2:14-15, Ephesians 1:22). Satan is forever defeated (Luke 10:18), and we are privileged to enjoy that victory. Hence, we must be conscious of this daily and always exercise our victory.

Dear believer, you have authority over the devil and his devices through faith in Jesus’ eternal victory over him. Remember this and exercise the authority that partaking in this victory confers on you. Satan is already defeated, and we have the victory.

Have a great weekend!

Bible Reading Plan: Isaiah 28-30

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