“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

– Joshua 1:8 NKJV

Everyone who has ever written an examination knows there are specific ways to study different subjects. Mathematics, Chemistry and English all have distinct study techniques. And to succeed in a course, one ought to know the study techniques. 

In the same vein, for us to be stellar Bible students, we need to study the Bible using the correct tools and techniques.  2 Timothy 2: 15 makes it known that there is a right way to divide the word of truth. And if there is a right way, there is also a wrong way. Hence, the need to learn the right way. 

The Bible is God’s word, and almost ironically, the technique for studying the Bible effectively is found in the Bible itself. Below are a few ways to study the Bible, according to the Bible: 

First, you must show interest and reverence for God’s word, like the Israelites in Nehemiah 8.  Realise that the Bible is God’s sacred word and treat it with the honour it deserves.  Delight yourself in the word of God, as that is one of the most potent ways to fellowship with God and hear from Him. 

Secondly, meditate on the word of God day and night as God commanded Joshua in our anchor scripture (Joshua 1: 8). Give time, focus and attention to studying the Bible. Also,  reflect on all you’ve studied because repetition brings mastery, and effective results come from consistency. 

The third way is to take Bible interpretations seriously because it is our defence against errors and false doctrines. After the reading of the word in Nehemiah 8: 8, the Levites took their time to interpret the law. So, don’t hesitate to seek guidance and insight from spiritual leaders and trustworthy scripture-based resources (Proverbs 2: 2-5). 

Finally, we ought to understand that we have a helper in the Holy Spirit. Yield to the Holy Spirit and let Him help your understanding of the word (John 14.26, Psalm 119: 18).

When we invest time in Bible study every day, our understanding of the Bible improves because it is through the word of God we learn, unlearn, re-learn, and are instructed unto righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). 

Dear believer, be intentional about Bible study. You can start today by prayerfully creating a study plan and deciding on the specific book to read per time. 

Bible Reading Plan: Psalms 32, 51

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