“This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success” – Joshua 1:8 NKJV

Picture this: everywhere you turn, you’re surrounded by magnificent buildings. But have you ever considered the journey of constructing one? It starts with a solid foundation, followed by the consistency in placing brick upon brick until you’ve got a complete masterpiece. 

The same principle applies to Bible Study. The Word of God forms the bedrock for believers, and to craft a rich and satisfying spiritual life, you must consistently study the Word. Using ‘Day and night’, our anchor scripture implies consistency in studying the Word. 

Today, we’ll look at practical ways to build consistency in Bible study.

One of the most important tips is to be a part of a local church where the Word of God is well taught. This is often an overlooked but fundamental principle because having a teacher who correctly divides the Word helps you have the correct lens to Bible study. For this to yield fruit, you also have to develop a personal interest and pay attention.  

Take, for example, the occurrence in Nehemiah 8. Ezra was reading the law to the Children of Israel and everyone, including children, paid rapt attention. Another example is the Bereans who listened eagerly to Paul’s message and searched the Scriptures themselves to learn the truth (Acts 17). You must be interested! Otherwise,  you won’t learn much from the Word. 

Another tip for consistency is setting up routines. Choose a time, place, and particular Scripture to study. You can also tie it to other habits and lifestyle choices, such as saying you won’t scroll on Instagram or any other social media application until you have done your  Bible study. 

Understanding the rewards of regular Bible study keeps you motivated in your routines. But it’s vital to set achievable goals. Don’t overcommit. If it’s one chapter a day, stick to it faithfully and study it diligently.

Like it is for building a house, you need partners. Having a Bible study partner can help you be consistent. Scripture tells us that two people (working on something) are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed (Ecclesiastes 4:9).

Finally, the tools you use can make a great difference in your Bible study experience. Tools like a concordance, access to multiple Bible versions, and even theological commentaries can enhance your Bible study experience. You’re more likely to remain consistent when you enjoy the process.  

The only way to know God is through His Word. You must study to show yourself approved (2 Timothy 2: 15). Through the consistent study of the Word, you can preach the Gospel and win more souls for the Kingdom. 

Brethren,  make it a priority to study the Scriptures consistently and always remember that God rewards those who diligently seek Him. 

Bible Reading Plan:  Luke 18: 18 – 43

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