“Proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.”  Acts 28:31 NKJV

Have you noticed the sheer boldness unbelievers have when they share their ungodly beliefs? Sometimes their beliefs are so controversial that even other unbelievers object. However, these people do not cower in fear. 

As new converts, many Christians are charged to lead a life marked with quietness that may likely result in timidity. As much as we as believers are to be of a gentle and quiet spirit this doesn’t imply that we should keep our salvation to ourselves without sharing. 

If unbelievers can share different “truths” unashamedly, how much more the believer that is armed with superior truth. Let us not be ashamed to share with everyone we come in contact with the most important thing – the gospel (Romans 1:16).

Let’s take a good look at Apostle Paul. As a Jewish man that sought to protect the heritage and laws of the Jews, Paul was not quiet about his convictions. However, despite his encounter with Jesus in Acts 9:1-22 and subsequent conversion, he loudly proclaimed his new conviction in Christ. In other words, his bold and loud disposition remained unchanged. Like Apostle Paul, our salvation should make us bolder to face people and defend the cause of Christ.

All through the Apostles’ ministry, we see on several occasions where they were brought to public spaces and interrogated. The Apostles always seized these opportunities to preach the Gospel without fear. They were bold to proclaim the gospel and it was recorded that many souls were brought to Salvation on account of their boldness.

The salvation you received is the most important thing in the world. An understanding of this will spur you to be bold. The Holy Spirit gives us boldness to preach the Gospel (Acts 4:31) and also teaches us what to say (Luke 12:12). You have been saved to save others. 

Today, exercise your boldness by telling someone about Christ.

Bible Reading Plan: Psalms 100-101, 105, 132

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