“Holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict.” Titus 1: 9 NKJV

Welcome to the 18th devotional recap of the year. This week, we examined our beliefs and why we have them. We also learnt to diligently defend and contend for the gospel, which is good news.

Monday’s article posed a question: Why do you believe what you believe? Many people who were born into Christian homes have never attempted to test the validity of their beliefs. However, as people with an assignment to preach the gospel, we must diligently give ourselves to studying, as this will strengthen our convictions and arm us with the truth (Acts 19:8-10). Christianity is a faith with logical answers to its claims, and we should seek to know them. (1 Peter 3:15b)

On Tuesday, we learnt to contend for the faith in today’s world which is filled with beliefs that are inconsistent with God’s design (Jude 1:3). To do this, we must build ourselves up by speaking in tongues, studying the word, and living consistent with our message. Also, we ought to be gracious in our delivery, knowing that ultimately, our goal is the hearts of men, and not to prove a point. 

Wednesday’s devotional admonished us to always be ready to defend the faith. To do this, you must have a solid understanding of Scripture and the ability to present it convincingly while engaging culture. Like Jesus and Paul,  in your presentation, remember to let your words be seasoned with grace, no matter the condition (Acts 17:2-4). Know that we have a solid faith that will not fall apart under scrutiny. So, boldly defend it. 

On Thursday, we learnt about diligence as a vital aspect of our walk with God (2 Timothy 2:15). You must be diligent in all aspects of your Christian devotion, to strengthen your convictions and prepare for times of trial and temptation. The seriousness of your life’s purpose to know God and make Him known should be evident in how you diligently seek Him. 

We rounded up the week on Friday with a reminder that the gospel is good news and should be presented as such (Luke 2:10). Resist the urge to add to the message to elicit fearful surrender in the hearts of your audience. If the gospel is a message of love, then your approach to evangelism should be love (John 4:7-29). As you preach, pray that blind eyes will be open, and preach with gentleness and respect.  If anyone would refuse to hear, let it not be on account of your delivery. 

Influence belongs to the bold, and so we must be unapologetic about countering falsehood with the truth of God’s Word. Today, decide to be diligent in devotion, so that you can confidently defend and contend for the faith.

Have a great weekend!

Bible Reading Plan: Judges 11-12

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