“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” ‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭ ‭33‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

If you watch movies a lot and have the habit of recommending them to people, you will realize that when watching a thriller or horror movie with friends which you have previously watched, your friends will probably be worried about all the dangers the protagonist is facing and fear for his or her life. On the other hand, you remain calm because you already know the end from the beginning. 

This assurance of being at peace even in uncertain situations is one of the things God wants to work in us by His Spirit as seen in Galatians 5:22. Unlike the opinion of many, peace is not the absence of unpleasant situations but an assurance that even in the midst of it, things are working out for your good which puts your heart at rest (Romans 8:28).

In our anchor scripture, we see Jesus preparing the hearts of His disciples for the tribulations that would come their way but His intent was not to get them to entertain fear but rather, to see the victory He has already wrought which is eternal. This is the same disposition God wants us to have, that regardless of the troubles we may face, we have victory in Christ Jesus.

 It is folly to expect a life free of turbulent times. We are bound to encounter unpleasant situations from diverse sources, due to the fact that we live in a fallen world. However, God wants you to have peace through it all; an unshakeable assurance that you are on the winning side, that His power in you can change things no matter how long it seems to last. Even if you do not get to see the results in your lifetime, you are assured of eternity with God where there will be no pain, tears or trials (Revelation 21:4).

One good way to stir up this disposition is to saturate your heart with God’s Word. When you know what God has said concerning you, you are filled with confidence. You must also give yourself constantly to prayers. By praying, your spirit gains supremacy over the flesh and you find out that the things that bothered you before praying which seemed like mountains have become molehills and the fear that lurked in your heart has been replaced by God’s peace. (Philippians 4:6-7)

As you go forth today, remember that peace is a fruit of the Spirit and by giving yourself to spiritual exercises like prayers and meditation on God’s Word, you are making room for His peace to surround your heart. 

Bible Reading Plan: Psalms 61-62, 64

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