“He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds [healing their pain and comforting their sorrow].” Psalms 147:3 AMP

Jesus wept! Have you ever read that scripture and pondered how much pain Jesus must have felt over the loss of his friend, Lazarus which evoked such crying emotions? (John 11:35). In verse 36, even the Jews could tell how much Jesus loved Lazarus. In a world like ours, feeling pain is an unavoidable experience. Nonetheless, how should believers deal with it?

You may feel hurt and pain as a result of a loved one’s death, a failed exam, losing your job, or being heartbroken by someone you care about. However, you’re not alone!  From our anchor verse, we see that God binds up the wounds of the wounded and heals the brokenhearted. Yes, God sees you!

He is willing to comfort and see you through the hurdle. Will you let Him? He knows what it means to be hurt and pained, and He is ready to comfort you. Brethren, you are not alone. Talk to God about it (1 Peter 5:7). He is more willing to hear you than you are to talk to Him (Psalms 34:18). He is our shepherd (Psalm 23:1). Let him guide you through the storm and ease the pain.

Dealing with pain can be overwhelming. It may likely consume your thoughts or even interfere with your daily routines, thus making you vulnerable to the lies of the devil. As a Christian, it can be difficult to reconcile your faith with the overwhelming feelings of worry and fear. However, there is hope and comfort to be found in turning to God and seeking His guidance in navigating our anxious thoughts.

When we open our hearts and let God heal us, we acknowledge His love and ability to help us. We have to let go and let God because He loves you. He cares about you so much that He gave His life to save you (John 3:16). What Father wouldn’t want to be there for His child? Let God in on that pain.

Also, the body of Christ is designed to bear the burdens of its members (Galatians 6:2, Romans 12:15). You can talk to your Pastor in your church, speak to your unit leader, or share it with your prayer partner. Let them pray with and for you. Accountability to your local assembly strengthens your faith and comforts you.

Beloved, you are not alone. Do not deal with the pain alone. Pray about it, talk to a believer, be willing to let go, and let God heal you. Through it all, God is faithful to help you. Let go and let God.

Bible Reading Plan: 2 Kings 14; 2 Chronicles 25

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