“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.” – 1 Corinthians 12:7 (NKJV)

1 Corinthians 13 is commonly referred to as the “love chapter.”But are you aware of what comes right before it? An emphasis and teaching on spiritual gifts. It’s important to remember that the Bible was not originally written in chapters and verses, so we should understand the context of Paul’s writings. He demonstrates how our spiritual gifts should be used to serve God and others. We are called to love God and love people as well. Spiritual gifts exist for both personal edification and service.

Our spiritual gifts are meant to serve both the Church and the world. Through them, we are empowered beyond our human capacity to know God and make Him known. Paul encouraged the Corinthian church to desire spiritual gifts, especially to express love, which demonstrates the work of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual gifts are an expression of God’s power in us, particularly in evangelism. The manifestation of these gifts in the context of evangelism demonstrates God’s supernatural presence and power to save the lost (Hebrews 2:4). Simply put when you give bread through healings and miracles, it should always point to the Bread of Life, Jesus. He didn’t just heal sick bodies; He gave them something far greater: healing for their souls.

However, it is crucial to recognize that these miracles are not the message itself. Instead, they serve to confirm both the message and the messenger. They are proof of the risen and glorified Christ.

Therefore, the goal of spiritual gifts is not to show off but to show Christ. It is not to draw attention to ourselves or make a name for us but to direct people to God as He glorifies Himself through our lives. Hallelujah!

Wherever the good news of Christ was proclaimed, miracles and wonders were not far behind. This tells us that our spiritual gifts can—and should—find expression whenever we share the gospel. Your gift of healing, discernment, or words of knowledge and wisdom can be powerful vehicles for the gospel’s message. Not only should you believe this, but you should expect it!

Remain conscious of the power of God at work within you to perform miracles and signs, just as Jesus promised. Lean into the gifts of the Spirit at work, in school, and whenever you share the gospel.

Say This: I am equipped for life and ministry by the giftings of the Spirit

Bible Reading Plan: Deuteronomy 17-19; Acts 18:1-23

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