“Jesus replied, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’”
– John 6:35 NLT
So far this month, we have emphasised unequivocally God’s ability and willingness to heal and work miracles through us. We have overwhelming evidence from Scripture that God still heals and does miracles today. However, to be fully grounded in a subject matter, we must examine the whole counsel of God concerning it. Our conviction must be from a holistic view on what the Bible has to say on the topic.
Hence, when it comes to the subject of the morbidity and mortality of man as a result of Adam’s sin, God’s final response to it is not a healing, but eternal life. (1 Corinthians 15:38, NLT) The hard truth is that everyone who receives healing today will still eventually die someday. You ought to know that miracles are not the ultimate. Rather, they point to God’s ability to bring about a permanent solution to mankind’s mortality.
When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He didn’t do it just to prove that He was powerful, but to show that He is the resurrection; the one who will raise all (not just Lazarus) who believe, into everlasting life on the last day. (John 11:25-26). Jesus wanted Martha’s faith (and also ours) to not only rest in His ability to raise Lazarus back to life, but also in His ability to give eternal life to all who believe. God’s primary offering is not supernatural preservation “here,” but eternal security “there.”
Apostle Paul who healed many had to endure sickness at times (Galatians 4:13). The original apostles all died, most of them were even martyred. In fact, the same Peter for whom the Church prayed out of prison in Acts 12 was eventually crucified upside down. You see, because of the fallen state of the world, all these things will continue. Therefore, salvation—not miracles—is God’s permanent solution to the brokenness of the world.
Our anchor text flows in from the story of Jesus feeding five thousand. The people had seen him work a miracle and were eagerly awaiting a replication of the same thing the very next day. However, Jesus responded by pointing them instead to something far greater than any earthly miracle—the gospel. Now, this doesn’t mean that God does not want us to experience miracles here on earth, but that He is more interested in your soul! Miracles pale in comparison to all that Christ died and rose to make available to you.
Dear friend, Jesus’ death on the cross is proof of God’s love toward us, and our testimony of changed desires is the greatest miracle there ever could be. So, when miracles don’t happen or are delayed, it should never make you doubt God’s love for you. It also should not be the reason you don’t believe in miracles anymore. Instead, think about all the times that they did, and give glory to God. Look on the giver, not the gifts.
Bible Reading Plan: Numbers 27-28