“I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.” Mark 11:23-24 NLT

Welcome to the first devotional recap of 2024. This week’s articles were centered on stepping out in faith in this new year.

On Monday, we were encouraged to take a leap of faith. What has God said He will do with your life this year? Even if it seems impossible by your natural estimation, remember that you serve a God of all possibilities (Luke 1:37). God always fulfils His promises, so believe that whatever He says, He can and will do. You must understand that faith entails believing even when you cannot see (Hebrews 11:1). In 2024, leave no room for doubt or fear so that you can effectively do all that God will have you do. (Matthew 14:25-33). 

Tuesday’s devotion was a charge to exercise our faith. Matthew 11:22-23 shows us the responsibility we have to put God’s word to work. God is all-powerful, but if you don’t believe, you can limit Him in your life (Matthew 13:58, Psalm 78:41). While the natural man depends on his senses for everything, the believer does not. Believe for the seemingly impossible and let your words and actions be consistent with your faith (Mark 5:28). In this new year, decide to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). 

On Wednesday, we explored what faith can do. Because the Spirit of God is in you, you have faith that can move mountains (Matthew 21:21). Faith is not a tool to fulfill your fleshly desires, but rather should be expressed in the direction of God’s will. As you grow in God and exercise faith in the direction of His Word to you, you will see all He has said come to pass. You have received God’s promises in this new year, so fix your gaze on Him and tune out distractions.

Thursday’s article instructed us to take action. For everything God has said, you have a role to play. It takes bravery and mental fortitude to obey God. Sometimes, God’s assignment may stretch you beyond your natural capabilities, but be ready to take action. Step out of your comfort zone, see yourself as God sees you, and dare to obey (Jeremiah 1:7). Picture the things God has said to you (Genesis 15:5), stir up boldness in the place of prayer (Acts 4:31, Luke 22:43), and put the Word of God to work! 

We rounded up the week on Friday with a reminder that God can be trusted. You must have received prophetic words concerning 2024, and you might have some doubts about how they will come to pass. God has a track record of saying things and causing them to come to pass, so your disposition should be of trusting Him and holding on to His Word (Joshua 21:45, Proverbs 3:5-6). You can bank on God!  Not a single word of prophecy concerning you and your family will be left unfulfilled. Everything will come to pass.

We’re almost one week into the year already. Decide that you will trust God and step out in faith to do all that He will have you do in 2024.

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