“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always pray for all the Lord’s people.” – Ephesians 6:18 (NKJV)

Welcome to the 50th weekly devotional recap of the year. This week, we learned to rejoice always, to keep praying and studying the Word.

On Monday, we received instructions to always rejoice; understanding that our joy is not circumstantial but rooted in Christ. Salvation did not only give you eternal life but it also wove joy into the fabric of your being. God remains faithful in every circumstance, so we rejoice always in His faithfulness (Philippians 4:4).

Tuesday’s devotional instructed us to stay prayed up (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Just as our physical bodies require food daily to be healthy, so also our spirits require daily edification. Our souls are nourished by our daily communion with God through prayer and we receive strength to do God’s will and resist temptations.

On Wednesday, we learned the need to stay on God’s Word. We demonstrate our love for God by obeying His word (John 14:15) and we will only obey the Word if we remember it. Hence, we must make it a practice to meditate on God’s word so we can keep it in our hearts always and live by it.

In our lesson on Thursday, we were instructed to keep studying the Word. We grow in our knowledge of God when we deliberately study His word. We must approach the study of God’s word with diligence and consistency (2 Timothy 2:15).

We rounded up the week on Friday with an instruction to keep on keeping on. We must never wane in our devotion to God and to the truth of His word. Our zeal and fervour for God, His work and His people must be kept ablaze even in the face of persecutions and oppositions (Romans 12:11).

Dear believer, let the word of the Lord dwell in you richly and live by it, make communion with God a daily reality, rejoice always in the Lord in every circumstance and keep on serving God with zeal and fervour.

Have a great weekend!

Bible Reading Plan: Zechariah 1-4

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