“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord.” Romans 12:11 NIV 

Welcome to the 33rd weekly devotional recap of the year. This week, we were encouraged to be active participants, to bear the burdens of fellow believers, and the helpless and to disciple others so as to leave a Godly legacy. We also considered Chirstian conduct in the workplace. 

On Monday, the topic was ‘Active Participant ‘. As a son in the Kingdom, you are to take up responsibility and play your part. You have been saved to do good works ( Ephesians 2:10). Be ready to do the work; preach the gospel and push the agenda of God’s kingdom.  One way that you can effectively do this is to partner with your local assembly in any capacity possible. 

Tuesday’s devotional was ‘Bear the Burden I’. The study focused on the body of Christ.  Believers  have a duty to bear the burdens of brothers and sisters in Christ. We can do this by earnestly praying for them, physically comforting them when they are down and supporting them financially, if need be. 

We continued the series ‘Bear the Burden’ on Wednesday. Part 2 focused on helping the helpless. We learn from the example of Jesus, whose compassion for people was always evident. Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, fed people, comforted the hopeless (Matthew 9:36, 14:14, 15:32, 20:34) and most importantly taught the word of God and we should do likewise. 

On Thursday, we were charged to ‘Be the Light’ in professional settings. As a believer, you are called to be God’s Ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20). You can shine as light in your place of work by boldly preaching the Gospel and standing out for your good work ethic and excellence. Christians should be recognised as diligent, reliable and trustworthy in the workplace. 

On Friday, we were charged to leave ‘a Godly Legacy’. The command to “make disciples” means that we must train and equip those who believe the Gospel that we preach, so that they may continue in the way of the Lord, grow in their faith, and become preachers of the Gospel themselves. The same way we have received this Gospel, we must be faithful to commit to others also (2 Timothy 2:2) The spread of the Gospel depends on our commitment to raising disciples. 

Let your zeal for God and His people be discernible. Ensure that you participate actively in your local assembly and that you are committed to discipling others in the Faith. Determine that your light will shine everywhere you go, especially in the workplace. Be available to bear the burdens of your brothers and sisters in Christ and be intentional about reaching out to vulnerable groups of people around you. This is reasonable service.

Happy weekend! 

Bible Reading Plan: Proverbs 27-29

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