“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” ‭‭ Colossians 3:1-2 ‭NKJV‬‬

Welcome to the 26th weekly devotional recap of the year. This week, we learnt to live a life of worship and were encouraged to live deeper, higher, wider, and louder.

We started the week by learning how to live a life of worship.  Worship is any action that shows your response to the knowledge of God. External expressions are merely an outward manifestation of what is already an inward reality. Your heart’s posture of worship can be displayed in different ways but must be done in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). You have God’s Spirit within you, enabling you to serve Him acceptably. 

Tuesday’s article led us to assess our lives and what we live for. King Solomon had and did everything he wanted but soon realised how empty worldly possessions and accomplishments were (Ecclesiastes 2: 10-12).  There is more to life  (Luke 12: 15). Just as this world will pass away, so will any satisfaction derived from it. You must therefore base your sense of self-worth on God’s purpose for your life, not on what you possess or have accomplished by the world’s standards.

On Wednesday, we learnt to live higher. As people who have received new life in Christ, we should set our minds on eternity, not temporary earthly things (Colossians 3:1-2). In today’s world, many things are fighting for God’s place in your heart. You must consciously set your mind on God and stir up your delight in Him through thanksgiving, maintaining constant fellowship with God,  and curating an atmosphere of worship.

On Thursday, we learnt to live wider. One of God’s strategies for meeting the needs of His children is through the generosity of others (James 2: 14-17). God sees and is pleased when we do good to others (Hebrews 13:6). The early church is a vivid example for us, as they had a strong sense of community and shared everything they had (Acts 2:44-46). Extend God’s love by building a culture of generosity and widening your life to accommodate others. 

We rounded up the week on Friday with a reminder to live louder. If people who have ungodly beliefs are bold and unashamed to share them, how much more should we who have the message that can save the world (Romans 1:16)? Understand that the salvation you received is the most vital thing in the world and let it spur you to preach with boldness. You are saved to save others, and you are helped by the Spirit (Acts 4:31, Luke 12:12).

From today, be intentional about living a life of worship. Look for opportunities to live deeper, higher, wider, and louder.

Have a great weekend!

Bible Reading Plan: 2 Samuel 6-7

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