“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” Matthew 10: 16 NKJV

Welcome to the 21st Weekly Devotional recap of the year. This week, we learnt that as the Joshua generation, we should belong to a local church, be wise as serpents and be gentle as doves, as this will aid us in accurately preaching the gospel. 

Monday’s article discussed the believer and the local church. The church is an institution orchestrated by God for our edification (Matthew 16: 18). God wants us to belong to a local church where we can be strengthened and held accountable (Hebrews 10:24-25). Believers must pray together, study the word, love one another (Acts 2: 42) and earnestly abide by the teachings in our local church. All these strengthen us in our soul-winning agenda.  

On Tuesday, we considered the believer’s television. For years, the devil has used television content to his advantage. As a result, there is slim to no godly content on TV today. Believers need to be ambassadors for Christ and take up space in television (2 Corinthians 5: 20). We do this by partnering with God in the creative process (Proverbs 3: 5-6), blending in but not compromising (John 17:16), and financially supporting Godly media content. 

On Wednesday, we learnt about the Joshua generation. God ordained Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. However, for Israel to enter the promised land, they needed to defeat the heathen nations, and only Joshua, an anointed warrior, could lead them (Deuteronomy 34: 9, Exodus 17: 8-14). Like Joshua, our ministries are in different forms in diverse spheres of influence. We need to hone our skills as excellence makes it easier for the gospel to be heard. 

Thursday’s article instructed us to be wise as serpents. Jesus admonishes us to wisely propagate the gospel because the world can be hostile to the truth (Matthew 10: 16). Therefore, we must know and understand our target audience (John 4: 7-30), use our secular knowledge to our advantage, and trust the Holy Spirit for wisdom. 

On Friday, we learned to be gentle as doves. The hallmark of a believer is how honourable we are despite challenges or temptations. We should conduct ourselves in a way consistent with our calling in Christ (1 Peter 2: 12). Our conduct should be displayed in our conversations, how respectfully we treat everyone, and in our love walk (Colossians 4: 6, Romans 12: 21). Through good conduct, we can positively influence society and win souls for Christ. 

We are charged with the responsibility of sharing the gospel, using our various forms of influence. However, we must be careful to share the gospel for what it is. The presentation may vary, but the message remains the same –  Jesus died to save the utterly helpless humanity, and anyone who believes in Him will receive eternal life.

Happy Weekend!

Bible Reading Plan: Psalms 56, 120

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