“Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.” 1 Corinthians 12:1 NIV

Welcome to the 12th devotional recap of the year. This week, we continue our in-depth study on spiritual gifts.

We kicked off the week on Monday learning about the gift of miracles. The Holy Spirit in us gives us the power to do the miraculous (Acts 1:8). Just as Jesus performed miracles, raised the sick, and cast out demons, we can do the same (Act 10:38). Therefore, in negative circumstances, our call to action is to bring change to the situation by the power of God dwelling in us. We perform miracles and walk in this reality.

On Tuesday, we learnt about faith and healing. It is not enough to know that Jesus heals, do you believe it? Do you believe that He can cure all diseases and sicknesses? Receiving healing involves faith. Just like the Roman centurion in Matthew 8:5-13, and the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25-34, your faith should be demonstrated. So, while you trust God for your healing, fan the flames of your faith, and keep believing.

We learnt on Wednesday about the power we carry as believers. In Mark 16:17-8, we see what we can do as believers, even much more by the Spirit. We can’t be shy or timid about what we carry; we need to operate in our charismatic ministry and be bold in it. We heal the sick, give words of knowledge, and preach the gospel with boldness because we have the Holy Spirit, and we are able.

On Thursday, we studied spiritual gifts and evangelism. Spiritual gifts can be used as a vehicle for the gospel’s message (Hebrews 2:4). As we preach the gospel, we should be aware of the power of God in us. Expect to see healing when you pray for the sick, and see results when you perform miracles. This demonstrates the supernatural presence and power of God to save the lost. As you evangelize in love and service, you also direct people to God, letting Him make a name for Himself with your life.

On Friday, we were charged to believe the Word of God. The early church could preach the word of God effectively and with power because they believed the words of Jesus. You can do what the early apostles did because you have the same Spirit they had. The word of God is living and active; it always produces fruit. You only need to believe the word of God and act on it!

In Christ is not just a message to believe but an example to emulate. If Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead and performed diverse miracles, you also can. You have the Holy Spirit in you and have been empowered with the power to perform these gifts. Be bold! Walk in this reality in love and service.

Bible Reading Plan: Catch-up Day – take some time today to catch up with the Bible Reading Plan. 

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