“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
-Romans 8:28 NKJV

Welcome to the 5th devotional recap of this year. This week we learnt how to build our confidence, trust God completely, love God, others and also ourselves.

We started this week’s teaching by learning how to build our confidence. In this study, we were encouraged to not give up on the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. The steps we were instructed to take to achieve this is to take one step at a time. In conclusion, we were told that God will always lead us in the right direction and we should wait on Him and our strengths will continually be renewed (Isaiah 40:31)

On Tuesday, we saw how God is worthy of our trust because He has demonstrated His love in more ways than we can count. We are to trust God with all of our hearts and not lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). Unlike human beings, God never disappoints so therefore we are to put our total trust in Him. We were further told to ponder on verses about the goodness of God and have faith in Him.

Our lesson on Wednesday was on loving God. In this teaching, we learnt that our love for God is not based on what He can do for us but on who He is to us and it is evident in our actions. It also makes us committed to the spread of the Gospel and remain true to our convictions in difficult times.

Thursday’s study made us understand how to love others. We examined how to love others rightly as believers. This is done by sharing the Gospel with them, praying for others, giving and not seeking revenge. God loves us so much that He made room for salvation ahead of time (Romans 5:8) and we should show others this same love.

We concluded the week with ‘love yourself’ where we pointed out how identity crisis and a life outside Christ have given many people a distorted view of themselves which they project onto others. Now as believers, we should see ourselves as people worthy of God’s love.

Bible Reading Plan: Genesis 21-23

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