“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. “ – Galatians 2:20 (NKJV)Welcome to the 40th weekly devotional recap of the year.
This week, we learnt about purpose in light of eternity and how to effectively align ourselves. We began the week by learning that Jesus is the believer’s trademark, and we must represent Him to the world (2 Corinthians 5:18). To do this effectively, we need to be deeply rooted in God’s Word, grow in compassion for others, and communicate His truth through both words and actions. Evangelism is influence—it involves carrying God’s presence and letting His light shine wherever we go. Play your part by reaching out to your world with the Gospel.
Tuesday’s devotional taught us that sight is important to fulfilling purpose. You are a product of and will inevitably reproduce whatever you constantly expose yourself to (Genesis 30:37-40). We must guard our hearts from worldly influence (Proverbs 4:23) and focus on God’s truth. By meditating on His Word, we build spiritual convictions about His promises and allow His will to manifest through us and impact the world around us (Philippians 4:8, Psalm 119:11).
On Wednesday, we were reminded that our ultimate purpose as believers is to know Christ and make Him known (Philippians 1:21). Life has many distractions, but like a runner focused on the finish line, we must keep Christ at the centre of everything. A meaningful life is about reflecting Christ, living for Him, and sharing His love with the world. This is our purpose; our finish line, and the ultimate destination we must always focus on.
Thursday’s article prompted us to ask ourselves how we measure worth. Typically, worth is determined by cost, durability, and usability, but as Christians, we see worth in things with eternal value. Ecclesiastes 1:14 shows that worldly pursuits, while seemingly good, are vanity. Mark 8:35-36 challenges us to consider if gaining the world at the cost of our souls is worth it. Trying to control our lives leads to loss, but true worth is found when we lose our lives for the kingdom’s sake.
We ended the week on Friday by learning that the reason behind our actions is as important as what we do. Being in Christ means His life becomes ours, and our identity, purpose, and ambitions are rooted in Him. You do all that you do because you were bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:20) and your life is no longer your own. Beyond the outward actions, true devotion to Christ requires a heart aligned with His will, submitted to His purpose, and willing to serve others in love.
As you enter a new week, remember that only what is done for Christ will count, so live every day purposefully.Have a great Weekend!
Bible Reading Recap