“Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan), and nothing will [in any way] harm you.” – Luke 10:19 (AMP)

Welcome to the 36th weekly devotional recap of the year. This week’s articles followed a series on the believer’s authority. We saw our legal place of authority over the devil and his agents, and we were encouraged to wield it with confidence.

We started the week by seeing that authority in Christ is rooted in identity (Mark 16:17). As a child of God, you have an inheritance of power (Ephesians 1:15-18), and you have been baptised into Christ and united with Him as a result (Galatians 3:27). This means that all honour bestowed upon His name is yours to exercise. Meditate deeply on your identity of authority and walk in the consciousness of the same. Refuse to give the devil any place to cheat you because of ignorance.

On Tuesday, we saw that the believer has been given a spiritual “Power of Attorney” by Jesus and so has authority to act on His behalf (Luke 10:19). He gave us His spirit to help us live a life of purpose and authority. This means that everything Jesus did– perform miracles, cast out demons, and declare victory over situations– is an example of the limitless possibilities that you have in Him (John 14:12). Stay alert (Ephesians 4:27) and be ready to contend and wrestle. The authority of a believer is not mere decoration; it is to be put to work. If Jesus did it, we can!

Wednesday’s article charged us to see that the authority we have received is for influencing our world. Now that you know what you have, let it make a difference. There is a constant war of influence in this world, and we cannot afford to be complacent. Make impact everywhere you find yourself– family, friends, workplace, and city. Heal the sick, cast out demons, and spread the gospel. Rise to the occasion and take your place as a king and priest (Revelation 1: 5 – 6), establishing the gospel and the will of God wherever you go.

Thursday’s devotional showed us our place of victory and encouraged us to walk in it. Believers, like football giants, are positioned in victory over the enemy, who is a “fallen” minnow (Luke 10:17-19). Jesus sent you out into a battle that is already won, because the devil is fallen and already defeated. Don’t just know the Word; do the Word and trample on the enemy. Heal the sick, cast out demons, and live out your authority in Christ. Do all of this confidently, because you see the end already, and in it you always win! 

We ended the series on Friday by learning that victory is the predictable outcome when a believer exercises their faith and authority in Christ (1 John 5:4). Nothing is impossible for you because you have the Holy Spirit and the power of God. God has given us all we need to live victoriously (2 Peter 1:3), and so we must abominate any mindset that causes us to think we are limited or to accept defeat. 

From today, go about confident in who you are in Christ. Heal the sick, trample on the enemy, cast out demons, and exercise authority over every contrary situation in your life, knowing that your victory is certain!

Bible Reading Recap

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