“You are the light of [Christ to] the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;” – Matthew 5:14 (AMP)

Welcome to the 32nd Weekly Devotional Recap of the year. This week, we explored the significance of light, learning that as light, we should never hide but instead be bold and excellent. Additionally, we discovered that as salt, we must not lose our flavour.

On Monday, we discussed the significance of light. Today, we live in a dark world, and we have been called to be the light of this world. To do that, we ought to know the significance of light. Light reveals darkness, convicts the hearts of men (John 8: 12) and provides guidance (Psalms 119: 105). It also transforms lives, as it did to Saul on his way to Damascus (2 Corinthians 4: 6). So, it is important to let your light shine. 

Tuesday’s devotional went further and encouraged us to shine brightly. Our purpose is simple – to know Jesus and to make Him known (Matthew 28:  19-20). By shining our light in our various spheres of influence,  we can win souls for Christ and fulfil our purpose. We should all strive to be like Jesus, who went around preaching the Gospel, performing miracles and raising disciples for God. Just as a stick of candle is lit up and through that one stick all others are lit, we are to preach the gospel to everyone around us.

On Wednesday, we were charged to be bold and unhidden, as light of the world. One important attribute of light is that it cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:  15). No matter how little or minute a flicker of light may be, it is still significant enough to dispel the darkness. There is a rich harvest of souls that can only be dispelled through our light (Matthew 5:  15). When you hide your light, you give room for darkness. So, be bold about your convictions and stand firm for them. 

Thursday’s devotional reminded us that we are the salt of the earth and must not lose our flavor (Matthew 5:13). Salt enhances food and preserves it, just as we should help prevent the decay of the earth. However, if we conform to worldly standards rather than God’s, we risk losing our taste (Romans 12:2). To avoid this, we must follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance, ensuring our words and actions reflect our good nature (Colossians 4:5-6).

Finally, on Friday, we were spurred toward excellence. As believers, excellence isn’t about perfectionism, it’s about aligning one’s efforts to God’s heart (Colossians 3:  23). Just as Bezalel’s craftsmanship reflected God’s glory (Exodus 31), our efforts should honour Him, not for praise but to serve Him faithfully (Matthew 6:4). Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:8 to focus on excellence, and Daniel’s example (Daniel 6:3) shows how an excellent spirit can lead to great opportunities. Let your work shine, reflecting God’s greatness.

Brethren, remember that you are the light and salt of the earth. In every sphere of influence, let your light shine and add flavour, giving your all for the glory of God. 

Have a great Weekend!  

Bible Reading Catchup

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