“And He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.” 

2 Corinthians 5:15 NKJV

Welcome to the 30th week of our devotional recap. This week we kicked off by learning about God’s desire and in the following days we saw how to live for Christ, grow spiritually, be radical for Jesus and be devoted to prayer.

On Monday, the title of our study was ‘God’s Desire.’ In the study, we saw how God desires the salvation of all men. He already made provision for salvation before we even received it. Going forward, we should accurately spread the Gospel to others because souls must be saved on our account and this is fostered by studying God’s word and attending a sound local church.

We highlighted how we can ‘live for Christ’ on Tuesday. From the anchor scripture of the study; Romans 12:1, we viewed how we should dedicate our lives to God by being a living sacrifice. The life of Christ we have is not lived by our terms anymore (2 Corinthians 5:15). In essence, we were charged to live for Christ.

On Wednesday, we examined how to grow spiritually and in this teaching, we saw how study and application of God’s word can make our walk with God effective. To fulfill the will of God for our life, we have to look into the scriptures because His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalms 119:105).

The following day, we were charged to be ‘Radical For Jesus’. We are to live a radical life of faith that shows our commitment to God and His cause. Our zeal and fervour in our service to God must be discernible. We are to go all out for Christ in our service to Him and not hide under the curtains or play small.

We wrapped up this week’s teaching with an instruction to be devoted to prayer. In the study, we understood that it is not enough to have prayer points; we need to have a prayer life. We should be devoted to prayer because it is a Biblical instruction. Prayer lightens our burdens, births answers and heightens our sensitivity.

SAY THIS: I am committed to the will of God for my life. My spiritual growth is evident on all sides. I spend all my days living for Christ and not myself.

Bible Reading Plan:

Luke 13: 22-35, 1 Timothy 2, Proverbs 3, Ezra 4-5

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