“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” – 2 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV

Welcome to the 26th Weekly Devotional Recap of the year. This week, we explored salvation, spiritual growth, and the importance of having a community. Let’s dive into each day’s article.

Beginning on Monday, we focused on our salvation in Christ. Before Christ, we were trapped in sin, like quicksand. Jesus’ sacrifice freed us from sin’s grip. Understanding sin as a fallen nature inherited from Adam highlights the magnitude of Christ’s redemptive work. His death and resurrection secured our salvation, enabling us to live righteously, guided by the Holy Spirit (Romans 6:1-14).

On Tuesday, we examined the fruit of the Spirit as evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in us. Just as a gardener expects tomatoes after planting tomato seeds, God expects us to produce fruits consistent with His nature. We must consistently walk in love, joy, peace, patience, and other fruits of the Spirit. By renewing our minds and rejecting worldly standards, we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us, making us more like Christ (Galatians 5:22-23).

Going further on Wednesday, we learned about overcoming temptation. Like a sailor navigating storms with a compass and crew, believers should rely on prayer, scripture, and community to resist temptation. Jesus’ example of countering temptation with scripture shows us the importance of immersing ourselves in God’s word. A strong community of believers also strengthens our faith and helps us stay accountable (Luke 22:31-32).

We discussed the vital signs of spiritual health on Thursday. Indifference to spiritual devotion, uncontrolled emotions and appetites, and preferring the company of unbelievers are warning signs of spiritual decline. To grow spiritually, we must be intentional in our devotion, set up accountability structures, and remain committed to fellowship. Building consistency in our spiritual practices prepares us for life’s battles and keeps our faith strong (2 Peter 1:5).

We concluded the week by focusing on restoring fellow believers who fall into sin. As part of God’s family, we must support and restore one another in love. When a brother or sister in Christ stumbles, our response should be compassion and prayer. Cultivating relationships that allow for accountability and encourage collective growth is essential. We must bear one another’s burdens as Christ commands (Galatians 6:1-2).

Reflecting on this week’s teachings, remember the importance of living your faith intentionally, supporting one another, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in you. 

Dear believer, continue to grow in God’s grace and walk in His righteousness.

Have a blessed weekend!

Bible Reading Plan Catchup

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